Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scout Ejector Review

Well I just got back from Walmart helping my mom find Jetfire for my birthday on August 15, unfortunetly we could not find anything except megatron. They did have some of Wave 4, they had Scout NightBeat (Deadend repaint), Scout Reverb (KnockOut Repaint), Scout Dunerunner, Scout Scalpel (The Doctor), and last but not least... Ejector!!!!!! My mom said i can get one of them because they are cheap so i got him. I really like his crazy face, it is very vishous and stupid looking in a good kind of way, he has 4 arms that are pritty neat, but this guy would be cool with just 2 also, infact you can keep him with just 2 arms if you wish, and then just whip out his other 2 arms and then... Walla! you have 4 arms. He turns into a toaster as you know, and it is really neat how he has the plug and also a little red switch and a black nob. He apparently has flamethrowers, they are seen in the movie when the kitchen bots are in the hallway on the way to Sams room, but not on the toy unfortunetly. He cannot stand very well, infact he usually cannot stand at all. The plug also becomes his tail in robot mode. There is not much more that i can say about this toy. He is pritty neat and i would definetly pick him up if you have not already... If you are looking for Wave 4 your best bets are for Walmart and Target By the way.
I give Scout Ejector a 8 out of a possible 10.


  1. Ejector was my favourite :)

    I really hope that we see more of the small bots in TF3

  2. Ejector is ok but if i were you i most likely would have gottan Scalpel or Reverb. But thats just my opinion.
