Friday, August 7, 2009

Deluxe Cannon Bumbelbee Review

Well about a half hour ago, my brother took me to Toys-r-us and i picked up Cannon Bumblebee. This is a very good representation of the movie Bumblebee, especially with the hands and the grey fingers. The cannon touch is cool, although if they were his missle launchers that sat on his shoulders in the first transformers movie that he uses against Brawl, they would be even better in my opinion. The car mode is 100 times better than robot mode, but that does not mean that the robot mode is suckish. One cool thing about the car mode is that similar to the Human Alliance BumbleBell, he actually has seets! This makes the figure an even more must have. His wheels rotate in the front so that his arms can flip out, similar to deluxe Mudlap. He does have what is supposed to be an Autobot symbol on his head but is just a red dot. He has an autobot symbol on the side of his left gun if you look at him from the back. He has 2 Camaro symbols 1below his gun and one below the other, he also has 2 chevrolet symbols a red one on the grill, and one molded into the back. Overall, he is a very neat toy who you should pick up if you can not find the regular Deluxe Bumblebee.
I give Deluxe Cannon Bumblebee a 9 out of a possible 10.


  1. Wow, that's the first figure I got this summer the day before I saw Revenge of the Fallen. I love my Cannon Bumblebee too! It's cooler looking than the regular Deluxe Bumblebee. By the way, i just got home from seeing TF2 for the fourth time today with my best friend. The coloring of the robots and characters and everything is WAY better looking than watching it on the web!

  2. I knoe, the first RoTF toy i got was Soundwave, my first ever tf was Hook n i dinot know u had him? r u gunna revirew him??? U make good revews

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @ KirkH., i would also like to thank you for Commenting on my blog so often, i really appreciate it, i will comment on ur blog as often as possible :-)

  5. Yeah. Why don't people comment on your blog? I don't get it. People should have moved over here after scorpio's blog being put in stasis lock right now. He gets tons of bloggers. Maybe they got abducted by the decpeticons just like Sam

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. Hi. Most likely reason is that you don't advertise the blog enough. Comment on other websites and promote your blog a bit.

    Anyway i love the look of Bumblebee except his face it seems a little strange.

  9. i was wonderin does the kinda neck bit/chest bit cums loose on ur cannon bumblebee i need to no send me an email
