Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Blog Up
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tyrese Gibson Is in Transformers3, atleast he want's to be.
Despite Bay's comments, Tyrese was quick to confirm Bay will be back for a third. "Michael Bay, he definitely needs to take a break from (Transformers), understandably so, but this is the movie — the biggest movie he's ever directed in his life," he claimed. "And so, he can keep producing all of these other projects, but he is officially the king of geeks."
As for Tyrese's role in a potential third film, the actor feels assured his role will only grow moving forward. "I will absolutely be back," he beamed. "And my part is going to be bumped up." I surely hope he will be back, along with Josh Duhamel, There is no reason for why he would not be.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Deluxe Interrogater Barricade Review.
Well earlier today, i went to Target and purchased Deluxe Interrogater Barricade. This is a very detailed toy while in car mode, but not as much in robot mode. This is just a repaint of the 1st movie's premium Barricade, but the Interrogater Lights are a very cool feature to use on this version of Barricade. This figure would have been alot better if it had fingers instead of 2 large block things for hands, this maks it similar to a Fast Action Battler (Speaking of FAB's there was FAB Grindor their which is in Wave 4... That means it is being released and might already be....) One thing that really makes this toy special is that his eyes glow red. There is a red/Orange circle thing behind his head that glows in his eyes and makes this Barricade look relly evil, also the head is made of rubber and is very detailed. The transformation back into police car is very difficult (atleast for me) because i cannot get the legs to fit right under the car and it is very agrivating. Overall, you should definetly pick this guy up if you do not have Premium Barricade, otherwise, it is your decision.
I give Deluxe Interrogater Barricade a 8 out of a possible 10.
Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen Top ten grosser's of all time.
-Nelson here...In he next few days Revenge of the Fallen will surpass Spiderman 2 and LOTR: Return of the King and place itself into the domestic top 10 highest grossing films of all time. Sweet revenge indeed.-
Oh and yes it is... :-)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Legends Devastator review.
Well a legends devastator review has apperead online, here is the link:
Enjoy :-)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Poll Results.
San Diego Comiccon has alot of info...
Official Buster Prime Image.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Deluxe Rampage Update; Modified Ratchet :-)
New Leader class Starscream picture.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Desert Tracker Ratchet Update.
wave 4 is out!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Desert Tracker Ratchet Review.
I give Desert Tracker Rachet a 6 out of a possible 10.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Prepare For Leader Jetfire Review? :-)
If you have looked at the "Things To Look Forward To On This Blog" section of my blog, you would have noticed that it said "Leader class Jetfire or Leaderclass Optimus Prime, coming in Augest". Well i had a choice an i am getting them both anyway, its just that one i would get for my birthday and one i would have to save money and then buy it. I have decided that i want to get Jetfire. I wan to get Jetfire before i get Prime because i love SR-71 Blackbirds and I love his look, and just can not ignore this toy. This review will come Sometime between Augest 12, and Augest 18. My birthday is actually Augest 15 but i dont know if i will get it early, or may not have time to post review because of me having a party or having fun :-). I am still a little unsure about my decision so i will post a poll on the side of my blog asking if i should get Leader Optimus Prime, or Leader Jetfire first. If the winner is (EX.) Optimus rime, i might in the end change my mind and ask for Jetfire, so if that happens don't think i didn't look at your opinions. So get voting as it ends next Friday :-)...................
Devastator Comparison; Hightower fanart.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
WingBlade Review
Poll Results.
1. Awesome (4 votes 66%)
2. The first film's was better (1 vote 16%)
3. Hated it (1 vote 16%)
4. Never wanted Transformers toys im to old. (0 votes 0%)
Well it turns out that the mojarity of people loved it :-) as did i =)
New Leader Class Optimus Prime Toy.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Devastator concept art shows off Overload's robot mode.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Legends Devastator
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Reallly Funny Megatron and Starscream Video; Stop Motions.
Megatron and Starscream:
Demolishor Stop Motion:
Sideswipe & Sideways Stop Motion:
Friday, July 10, 2009
Life Size Optimus Prime, Bronze M & M Optimus Statue.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Voyager MixMaster Toy Review ( UPDATED); Deuxe Jolt Peaugh Review.
Well earlier today I Went to my local WalMart and purchased what i have waned for a longtime Voyager Mixmaster. I was deeply impressed with this figure and i soon hope to get all of the construction's toys that come out ( not the ones to form Devastator) as i already have deluxe Rampage and am very pleased with him. His alt mode is very cool to me and i love how detailed the back of his cement mixer is. I have only used the 3rd battle mode once as i didn't really like it. One thing that dissapoint's me is how there is color on the toy that he did not have in the movie, similar to Soundwave. I am having some problems with him though because i cannot get the cab to attach to were it is suppose to go in Robot mode :-( ( i also have this problem on Rampage only Rampage is with his supporters that are suppose to hold up the shovel thing) Overall, i really like this toy s he is now my favorite toy. I would really recomend picking this toy upas he would be awesome to add to a collection :-), i am now out to get Demolisher :-)
Favorite Toy list :-)
1. Mixmaster
2. Soundwave
3. Rampage
5. Chromia
UPDATE: When I said that i could not get the cab to attach to the back of him in robot mode, as i was fiddleing with him i noticed that there was a flip peg that was difficult to flip but once you flip it is is fine. :-)
Also Peaugh has posted his review of Deluxe Jolt enjoy :-)
Poll Results.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Transformers 2 front and back game cover.
Optimus Prime Presents Top 10 Things That are Cool When A Robot Says Them On Letterman.(UPDATED)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
New Arcee Bike Pictures.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Surpreme Devastator Toy Review
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ransack Toy Review
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Did You Know?
Ex. He put his sword threw Bonecrusher's face in Transformers. He shot Demolisher in the face, Pulled Blackout's face into two (lol), and took the Fallen's spear and put it threw his own face ( ouch ) in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Poll Results; My Toy Picks; Names.
Now on to my RoTF Toy picks.
I will go by Classes (If i do not list a class it simply means that i do not really like that class or don't see anything that i want.)
SCOUTS: Ransack, DirtBoss: I really like the idea of a WWII BiPlane for a transformer, if Jetfire was not in RoTF i wouldn't be surprised if Ransack took his place, I like dirtBoss because it is cool to have a forklift transformer that was also seen in the 2007 tie-in videogame, i also like the idea of the " Forks " as weapons.
DELUXES: Skids & Mudflap ( Icecream truck), Soundwave, Chromia, Rampage, Mudflap & Skids, Jolt, Sideswipe, Breakaway, Bumblebee: Skids & Mudflap icecream truck mode is a very unique deluxe class figure that has two scout class sized figures in a deluxe sized car, Really cool, you should definetly pick him up, Soundwave is awesome. Really cool to just poss as the feet really make that possible, Chromia is neat to roll around and is great, Rampage has his whips that make him stand out, His jackhammer mode is my favorite and i couldnt reccomend this guy enough, Mudflap & Skids are fun to play with, Jolt is really cool and i just wish he had more screentime in RoTF, Sideswipe was like a replacement of Jazz and is the coolest Tansformer in the toyline to me, Breakaway is great, i wish he was in the movie, And Bumblebee i think he just deserves to be picked up.
VOYAGERS: Mixmaster, Demolisher, Starscream: Mixmaster is my favorite voyager as he is awesome with his 3rd mode being a turret and making him more awesome! Demolisher ( similar to Chromia) is fun to roll around, Starscream is great with the addition of the Cybertronian tattoos making him so much cooler!
LEADERS: Optimus Prime, Jetfire: Its simple... Get them both for their combonation.
Also i would like to list all the names that i have came up wht for Transformers, tell me what you think :-)